Blauwtrust Groep connects the housing related supply and demand for residential mortgage funding in the Netherlands through it's entities De Hypothekers Associatie, Quion, Dutch Mortgage Portfolio Management (DMPM) and ROMEO Financiële Diensten.
With 30+ years of experience the Blauwtrust Groep has built up a solid position in the Dutch residential mortgage market by providing consumers, intermediaries and investors with high quality products and services. Each individual Blauwtrust Groep company provides their customers with best in class propositions, aiming for the highest customer satisfaction.
At the same time the sum of the Blauwtrust Groep entities provides a full offering from consumer to investor which, from within one independent group, is unique in the Netherlands. This allows us to provide investors with a 'one stop shop' entry to the Dutch residential mortgage market and to provide intermediaries and consumers with high quality mortgage products and services.